Sunday, December 29, 2019

6 critical missteps that hurt your career advancement

6 critical missteps that hurt your career advancement6 critical missteps that hurt your career advancementLets face it it isnt easy to break out and establish yourself as an up-and-coming leader inside a large corporation. In fact, some days you can feel like the best kept secret in the organization.For over fifteen years Ive been going into large companies - like Microsoft, Bank of America, eBay and BP, just to name a few - to train emerging women leaders on how to break into positions of management and leadership. As a result, I have helped a lot of women avoid the most common missteps that could be putting a lid on their career advancement.If you are wondering how to become a leader or how to get promoted, be sure to avoid the following 6 Critical Missteps That Hurt Your Career AdvancementMisstep 1 Waiting to be promotedYour management might have said that if you work hard and do a good job, youll be recognized but if youve already tried that route, youll know that it can bring mixed results at best.You cant afford to delegate responsibility for your career advancement to your boss. Instead of waiting for a promotion, take dienstgrad of your career trajectory by identifying the role you want next, and giving voice to your ambition. Let it be known that you are throwing your hat in the ring for that role.Misstep 2 Allowing others to define your reputationInevitably, the people you work with perceive you a certain way. They have formed opinions- judgments, even- about what you are good at and not good at. You already have a brand or reputation, but it has taken distribution policy by default, not by design. Dont wait for others to discover who you really are.Instead, build your brand as an emerging leader. Identify what you want your name to be synonymous with, and create a short, succinct brand statement such as the go-to person for strategy or the bridge between engineering and finance. Make sure it describes something you are passionate about, skilled a t, that your employer needs and values.To build your own leadership brand before others build it for you, create awareness of your brand by adding it to your LinkedIn profile, your email signature, and your elevator pitch.Misstep 3 Building a dead-end brandIts always important to do the job youve been hired for, but dont let others assume youll be in the position forever. If people keep coming to you with requests and assignments that youd have been excited to work on a few years ago (but now are bored by or, frankly, overqualified for) its a clear sign that your personal brand is holding you back.Instead, make your brand scalable. Periodically review your brand statement, making sure that it describes to your current and future potential and not just your (past) experience. It should encompass your higher-level skills, not the ones youd rather leave behind. For example, a financial analyst recently re-branded herself, scaling up her brand from team player to change agent and, in doing so, began attracting less busy work and mora projects that required her to lead change.Misstep 4 Working too hardBelieve it or not, working too hard can be a career misstep, especially if its work thats neither valued nor visible. If you are a hard worker and develop a reputation for hard work, guess what youll attract more of? More hard work And not necessarily the visibility and recognition that is due to you for the work you do.So dont be the best-kept secret in your organization. In other words, dont spend 100% of your time at your desk, head down, doing your job. Make a point of stepping away from your work on a weekly or even daily basis, to do activities that make your value visible, and promote your accomplishments as you achieve them, not necessarily after the fact.Misstep 5 Accepting low-visibility assignmentsLeaders never operate below the radar because they know that the more visible the assignment, the stronger their brand and potential of being recognized. Ther e is a time and place for low visibility assignments, and they are typically at the entry level.Seek out career-defining projects that place you at the epicenter of your companys strategy and most important goals, while showcasing your personal brand and leadership skills. To devote to high-impact, high priority assignments that showcase your leadership skills, delegate or even say no to busy work to free up time. Say yes to high profile projects that define your career, not limit it.Misstep 6 Downplaying your accomplishmentsHumility has its place in church If you want to be rewarded and recognized, you must find ways promote your achievements. If this sounds too much like bragging, observe who gets rewarded in your team culture, and watch what they are doing to gain recognition. When self-promotion backfires, its often because it is done in a way that is inconsistent with a teams culture.Find a few methods that are consistent with your personal brand. For example, get on the agend a to present in a meeting and invite your leaders to attend. Or when a customer sends an email thank you for your great work, add FYI and forward it to your manager. Toot your own horn before somebody gets the wrong message that you have nothing worth promoting.Jo Milleris dedicated to helping women around the world advance into positions of leadership and influence. Jo speaks at leadership conferences, professional associations, and corporate womens networks at companies like Amazon, Bank of America, eBay and Microsoft.This article first appeared onBe Leaderly.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

This is why you feel happy when someone fails

This is why you feel happy when someone failsThis is why you feel happy when someone failsIn the Pixar animated film Inside Out, most of the plot plays out inside protagonist Rileys head, where five emotions Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust and Anger direct her behavior.The film was released to glowing reviews. But director Pete Docter later admitted that he always regretted that one emotion didnt make the cut Schadenfreude.Schadenfreude, which literally means harm joy in German, is the peculiar pleasure people derive from others misfortune.You might feel it when the career of a high-profile celebrity craters, when a particularly noxious criminal is locked up or when a rival sporting gruppe gets vanquished.Psychologists have long struggled with how to best understand, explain and study the emotion It arises in such a wide range of situations that it can seem almost impossible to come up with some sort of unifying framework. Yet thats exactly what my colleagues and I have attempted to do .Schadenfreudes many facesOne challenge continues to plague those who research schadenfreude Theres no agreed-upon definition.Some think its best to study the emotion in the context of social comparison, so theyll tend to focus on the way envy or resentment interacts with schadenfreude.Others view the emotion through the lens of justice and fairness, and whether the sufferer deserved his or her misfortune.Finally, the last group thinks that schadenfreude emerges out of intergroup dynamics members of a group deriving joy out of the suffering of those outside of the group.In ur view, the different definitions point to multiple sides of schadenfreude, each of which might have distinct developmental origins.The blossoming of schadenfreudePerhaps the writers of Inside Out, when deciding to jettison Schadenfreude, thought that it would prove too difficult for children to grasp.Theres evidence, however, that children begin to experience schadenfreude early in life.For example, at four yea rs old, children found someone elses misfortune like tripping and falling into a muddy puddle funnier if that partie had previously done something to hurt other children, such as breaking their toys.Researchers have also found that two-year-old kids primed to be jealous of a peer experience glee when that peer suffers a mishap. By the age of seven, children feel more pleased after winning a game if a rival lost than when both won the game.Finally, in a 2013 study, researchers had nine-month-old infants observe puppets interacting with one another. Some puppets enjoyed the same types of food that the infants enjoyed, while others had a different set of tastes. When some puppets harmed the other puppets, the researchers discovered that the infants would rather see the puppets who didnt share their tastes be hurt over the ones who did share their tastes.Bringing it all togetherTogether, these studies show that schadenfreude is a complex emotion that seems to be deeply ingrained in th e human condition.Psychologists Scott Lilienfeld, Philippe Rochat and I wondered if there could be a way to unite the multiple facets of schadenfreude under the same umbrella.Eventually, we settled on seeing schadenfreude as a form of dehumanization the act of depicting and viewing another person as less than human.When most people hear the term dehumanization, they probably go to the worst-case scenario a complete denial of someones humanity, a phenomenon relegated to torture chambers, battlefields and racist propaganda.But this is a misconception. Psychologists have shown that people often view their own group in more human terms, and in subtle ways can deny the full humanity of those outside of their group.In our review, we hypothesized that the more empathy someone feels toward another person, the less likely they are to experience schadenfreude when that person suffers.So in order for someone to feel schadenfreude toward another person whether its a rival, someone in an out group or someone whos committed a crime theyll need to subtly dehumanize them. Only then does the sufferers misfortune become rewarding.This theory hasnt been tested yet, so at the end of our review, we suggest ways schadenfreudes early origins and individual differences can be placed under scientific scrutiny to study this novel hypothesis.Linking schadenfreude with dehumanization might sound dark, especially because schadenfreude is such a universal emotion. But dehumanization occurs more often than most would like to think and we believe its behind the pang of pleasure you feel when you see someone fail.Shensheng Wang, Ph.D. Candidate in Psychology, Emory UniversityThis article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Morning Productivity Do these 3 things before bedtime

Morning Productivity Do ansicht 3 things before bedtimeMorning Productivity Do these 3 things before bedtimeMy life was changed when I had my two boys.Yes, elend only did I become a mother, but I also became a morning person. Before I had kids, waking up at 10 a.m. on the weekends was a huge achievement. Now, I pop out of bed before 630 a.m. on any day, insufferable as that may sound.Waking up that early used to give me much-needed quiet time to sit with my coffee and read newspapers. Im not sure exactly when this happened, but these days, the minute I roll out of bed its as if Im at my desk, answering emails and putting out fires. By the time I arrive at the office, I feel like Ive already put in half a day.Lately, Ive been finding ways to cure my morning frenzy. In the search for a better morning routine, I soon realized I was only looking at half the problem. A great morning begins not from the moment you wake up, but from the moments before you close your eyes. Below are some of the things Ive done to make sure Im in the right mindset to power up the day1. Prep your clothesI got into this habit when I had to wake up at 4 a.m. every weekday for my morning television show. I laid out all my clothes and accessories the night before, as half the time I was getting dressed in the dark.The extra minutes I spent laying out the clothes at night made it so easy the next morning when my brain was still asleep. If only there was a robot that just put the clothes on you, too.2. Stop answering emails and textsAfter a certain time in the evening, I do not answer any more emails or texts. Among the many problems with email is that during working hours, every email extends into a longer chain of emails that can eat up hours of your day.I find that if I answer an email at 10 p.m., Im usually stuck in a real-time conversation with this person. So after a certain time, I stop looking at my inbox altogether and silence my phone.3. Start a ritualMany successful entertainers, a thletes, and speakers perform small rituals before theyre about to go onstage. Call it superstitious, but going through these motions- whether its saying a little prayer or touching home plate with your bat- helps calm the body and mind before stressful moments.Employing rituals at home right before bed has that same calming effect. It prepares your mind for whats ahead. I vary my rituals- sometimes its as simple as lighting an aromatherapy candle (of course, blow it out before you chose asleep) or listening to a favorite piece of music.These days, given my newfound experience in Pilates, Im taking two to three minutes out of my night to breathe deeply and properly. Whatever your ritual, taking a few minutes to do something consistently and deliberately is a great way to slow down the pace of your day- so you can pick it up in the morning the right wayIf youre still looking for ways to power up, watch this Radiate video to learn what some CEOs eat to fuel themselves during the day.T his article originally appeared on LinkedIn.Betty Liu is the founder and CEO of Radiate Inc.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Why to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others at Work - The Muse

Why to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others at Work - The MuseWhy to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others at Work My teams really good about asking each other questions. Were not a shy or arrogant bunch, and so we regularly turn to each other for help with little things like how to easily move a row in a spreadsheet without ruining the formatting and big things, such as seeking direction on a half-baked article idea. I dont always know the best way to approach social media marketing, but I trust that one of my co-workers will come to the rescue. And Im always happy to chime in when a colleague asks a grammar question. I didnt always work in groups that were so willing to offer a hand, or flat-out this-is-how-you-do-this instructions. Frankly, I welches rarely comfortable relying on others expertise. That would mean admitting I didnt have all of the answers, that I didnt know how to do everything, that I wasnt (gulp) good at everything. But obviously I didnt and wasnt. Im proud of the skill s I have, yet I fully recognize that everyone I work with has strengths that I simply do not have. In a recent article, bestselling author, Seth Godin offers this little nugget of truth Everyone is better than you are...(at something). Which makes it imperative that you connect and ask for help.And he offers it as a positive because its in recognizing your limitations that gives you a reason to connect with others. And sometimes we need a reason to forge a connection and, moreover, increase our self-awareness.The beauty of collaborating is that it gives us an opportunity to share what we know and learn from what others know. If you could do it all- better than everyone around you- you wouldnt need collaboration you wouldnt need anyone. Thered be no exhilarating brainstorming sessions or productive learning periods that emerge from recognizing that you alone arent enough. If you can accept that youre not the be-all end-all in every aspect of your job, youll be better because of it. I f you can quit comparing yourself to others, youll probably be happier and less stressed. Youll grow not in spite of this awareness, but because of it. So own the things you excel in, relish your expertise even. But know that its OK, and even expected that someone else will fill in the gaps. When companies talk about wanting team players, Im pretty comfortable saying that this is what theyre referring to. Youd do well then to adopt the attitude and understanding that current (or future) co-workers are going to be better at something than you are. Period.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Pitfall of How to Show Promotion on Resume

The Pitfall of How to Show Promotion on Resume A functional resume is a great format to use if youre changing careers. You are going to want to incorporate a couple more details to help quantify your successes. The very first region of your resume affected by means of a certification might be your name. You should make sure the dates span your whole time with the geschftliches miteinander. If youre asking for a management role, you have to showcase your management abilities. Much like different abilities, you should only list certifications on your resume that are related to your intended job. Concentrate on the abilities and experiences that apply right to the position. Translate these unofficial duties into strong accomplishments that support your capability to meet and exceed the essential measurables of the job which you would like to get. Do this only in the event youve got a couple of certifications to list, if youve got over two certifications consider listing them in a different section on your resume. Follow your name, contact info and objective with a section for each one of the functions or abilities you wish to highlight. You may also use the bullet section to spell out the explanations for why you were promoted. Change your current title When you update your social profiles, one particular approach to add your promotion is to modify your present title below your present employer. The Chronicles of How to Show Promotion on Resume You might also identify future opportunities of which you intend to take advantage to demonstrate the way your desire to raise and improve in the new position. Simply take the opportunity to make certain youre in an ideal distributions-mix to produce the best impression on the job and to find that promotion youre seeking. At your business, youve held many unique positions. Following your present position, add your prior positions with the organization. Vital Pieces of How to Show Promotion on Resume Se lect the one which is quite relevant to the job for which youre applying. If youre promoted at your work, it demonstrates that youre a go-getter, motivated hard-worker, and surely understand how to get things done. If you held other jobs between your stints at exactly the same company, place them in between your two roles. In the end, add your prior positions and dates. Heres What I Know About How to Show Promotion on Resume Rather than that, youve spent time taking a close look at your work and your performance and youve created clear things to do to help you reach your targets. Thus, its time to earn a new resume. On your second time around you receive a promotion. If you require, lie low for a couple of days and simmer down. Though youve been there for no less than a couple of years, your employer will nonetheless wish to observe how you want to donate to the company if youre hired for that position. When you make an application for an internal promotion, its far bett er pay attention to your contributions to the corporation. Mention important customers or accounts youve handled so that your employer knows youre prepared for a higher-profile function. Utilize company language and mention important customers and accounts so that your employer will know youre prepared for a higher-level function. The New Angle On How to Show Promotion on Resume Just Released These qualities are valued by the majority of employers. Do not assume that, because youre asking for an internal promotion, the individual reading your resume will be knowledgeable about your work. Make sure that you use bold letters to create the information appear clear and concise. When you return to the business you originally left, list it again with the info about that position. Click the next link for more advice about how to get ahead. In any event, list all these entries at the base of your resume, right after your academic credentials. Whats Truly Happening with How to Sho w Promotion on Resume Furthermore, your profile is an excellent place to mention that youre proficient with any essential software and systems that the business uses. Never burn bridges if you mean to remain with the corporation. With this system, you can explain your job titles and all of your responsibilities within the business in an effective way. When youre working on acquiring a promotion, it can take some effort to become noticed by management. The hiring manager doesnt wish to understand about each boring thing you were accountable for. Most employers wont take the opportunity to reassess your employment file seeking information about your achievements or job performance while at the business. You may have to list the businesss information each moment, but the hiring manager will be in a position to clearly realize that youve accepted promotions within the very same firm. Putting together a resume is extremely serious company.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Lies Youve Been Told About Adobe Resume

Lies Youve Been Told About Adobe Resume A Startling Fact about Adobe Resume Uncovered There are a lot of free creative resume templates you are able to use, allowing you to focus your energy on everything else you have to do. Make certain you didnt miss whatever could cost you the job that you dream about Youve probably already seen a dizzying amount of online ideas for how to compose a resume, and arent certain how to make sense of it all. DO make certain the remainder of your resume is completely machine readable. Who Else Wants to Learn About Adobe Resume? Hence, its importance canbedrngnis be stressed mora to an individual trying to find a job or individuals that are actively watching for this dream job. When youre scrambling to submit an application for a job, the very last thing you ought to be worrying about is designing a photo resume from the bottom up. There is not any time for procrastination once it comes to getting your perfect job. Its content-packed layout is excellent for engaging employers with numerous facts, from experience to education. Adobe Resume the Ultimate Convenience Possessing an idea about what you want on your resume makes the design process simpler. Focus on their demands, and ensure it is clear the exceptional methods its possible to address them. Constructing a resume is an intimidating task should you do it alone. Education and skills qualifies an applicant for additional processing but doesnt necessarily mean immediate success. CV is just a bit of paper that could work like magic for you. The mixture of our templates and your input is likely to make your resume fly to the peak of any pile. Resume templates are one method to guarantee structure behind your resume. Additionally, the built-in methods and expert advice can help you compose the perfect resume. Some resumes are neutral and work nicely for every potential job prospect. As you make an application for work, you have to make sure you study each ke yword that would grant you the idea regarding what is going to be the perfect applicant of the manager. Every job posting will receive more applicants than jobs out there. Ok, I Think I Understand Adobe Resume, Now Tell Me About Adobe Resume Employers receive thousands of resumes each day, use our new and innovative resume design to make sure to make an effect. Resumes dont have to be dreary. They provide the all important first impressions to an employer that an applicant cannot give during the earliest phase of the application process. 7 Another absolutely free Illustrator resume template on the list. Among the most unique and memorable Adobe resume templates you will ever see. Photoshop isnt the best choice for every resume. Even if Adobe Photoshop isnt the perfect tool for building a resume, it has all the tools and characteristics that you should create a resume that will allow you to land the huge job. What You Should Do About Adobe Resume Starting in the Next 5 Mi nutes Create a master resume that will do the job for an assortment of positions. Imagine you have two resumes facing you. These fonts have links that may be downloaded for free also. There are four documents that it is possible to select from and simple to edit layered and organized. You may add your own pictures and texts, and its going to be all set that you print. Light and airy, the Basic Resume template is intended to make an effect on a reader with a couple of vital particulars and easy-to-read text. Heres What I Know About Adobe Resume Resumes dont have to be boring. They do not have to take so much of your time but still should not be neglected. The One Thing to Do for Adobe Resume To deal with the present generation, you must make your email address, website, or blog. More frequently than not, customizing your resume does not signify a major rewrite, but instead only a few tweaks. There are plenty of layouts options that are pre-built so that youre able to a dd all info desired.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Resume Template Examples Help!

Resume Template Examples Help The True Meaning of Resume Template Examples Some of my favored job resume templates incorporate multiple color choices that add additional value to the package. This guide provides you with a fantastic SLP resume example and extra resources on the best way to compose the resume you should land the perfect jobthats perfect for you Templates from GraphicRiver are ideal once you understand just what youre searching for in the job resume youre building. For each work application, select the layout that fruchtwein represents you in the context of the job which youre applying for. You must also ensure that youve got an expert photo and an excellent quantity of connections. The upcoming free resume template was created in the shape of a brochure. You supply the sample resume sample. Perhaps while looking for examples you noticed poor samples all around the internet. Job seekers deserve to locate decent content quickly. Resume Samples will be able t o help you present your employment and education information the suitable way. Its also essential that you mention any customer service certification youve got. The health care industry can be quite competitive. You need a well-written resume if youre serious about landing a pharmacy technician job. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Resume Template Examples Speaking of unique, the most important purpose of your resume is to make you stick out from the remainder of the folks applying for the exact same job and another means to create that happen is to use action verbs and power words (also known as resume verbs). With our specialized therapy, youll be in a place to tap the complete potential of your professional network and make certain your profile on social networking channels matches the caliber of your resume. Most people today look at writing a resume as just something youve got to do to have a job. The is sue is, a great deal of people dont see it like an art formrather an obligation. Theres no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better prospect of standing from the crowd even supposing its made utilizing a template. Your work experience will probably be among the longest sections on your resume. Keep your focus there, and you ought to be OK. Special skills would be a section to spell out the kind of skills which has been developed over time. Key Pieces of Resume Template Examples Keep in mind, your resume or CV should emphasize your individual strengths. Resume objectives are from time to time regarded as the old schooltype of resume. Writing a strong application is a difficult procedure and we would like to make it simpler. You may also download completely free templates from our Resume Library to get going on your best resume. The Death of Resume Template Examples Your resume needs to address an issue for employers (which is the rea son why theyre hiring). Basically, you wish to quickly portray that youre a best candidate for those kinds of jobs youre pursuing. Salary is also based on the employing geschftlicher umgang and the kind of work an individual will be doing. The issue is, each job differs and what each hiring manager is on the lookout for is different. The area of business is huge and theres a fantastic selection of positions out there in it. A special life situation calls for a unique resume. If you dont wish to get screened out from the job, it is crucial to learn to prepare a compelling resume that meets the requirement of the employer, for them to supply you with an appointment for interview. The challenge of being a true student searching for a job tends to be an absence of prior job experience. Your job (while youre attempting to find a job) is to ensure you fit what theyre searching for. Each time you submit an application for a new job, check your resume to guarantee that it isnt only t argeted, but in addition current. Ensure you didnt miss whatever could cost you the job that you dream about

Monday, November 25, 2019

Is no really the worst answer you can get

Is no really the worst answer you can getIs no really the worst answer you can getSelf-Assessment Quiz True or FalseThere are instances when I need to place my needs ahead of others.I know how to follow up on a closed-ended response.I am not afraid to gently challenge authority.A part of being self-aware on the job is not being afraid to ask for what you want, setting boundaries, and teaching people how to treat you. This includes bosses. If you answered TRUE to the questions in this weeks self-assessment quiz, you probably dont have a problem in this area, but your cousins might need a little bit of help. So do me a favor, and forward this weeks post on to them.If you arent asking for what you want on a regular basis, especially at work, whats stopping you? Is it fear? And what specifically are you afraid of? Is it the word No?If you ask your boss for a day off so that you can go to your daughters chess match, whats the worst thing your boss can say?A. You suck Youre the worst team player EVAH I hate you, and I wish I had never hired you.B. The timing isnt the best, but youve asked in advance, so let me think about it.C. No.Some might think the worst response is A. But my goodness, think of all the money youd earn with that lawsuit (Ive had friends who are bosses and have been sued for far less.)Some (like me) might opt to select B as the worse answer because its a non-answer. A passive-aggressive, non-answer at that. On the one hand, you were offered praise and acknowledgment because you planned ahead with your ask. This shows a certain level of respect. On the other hand, this answer sucks rocks because if the boss doesnt get back to you after thinking about it, you have to circle back and ask her again. Sigh Why cant people just make up their minds?But those of you who selected C as the worst answer, well, youre just flat out WRONG At least with a No you have something to work with. Where some might see the response as one and done, I see it as an open-end ed response. A chance to negotiate Oh, goodyWhen it comes to negotiating, Ive been taught to softly repeat the response, with a question mark at the end. Then stop talking.No?Wait, silently. Usually, the boss wont give you the same one-word response again. More than likely, she might take the time to explain her answer a bit mora. If she does say a curt No again, prompt her (gently) for a more specific reason.May I ask why? Again, using your softest Valley Girl Becky-voice.Is your boss overworked? Has she been chewed out for being too soft and handing out too many days off? Does your boss resent that she cant take time off to spend with her own daughter?The point is you gently press until you have an answer. This strategy is usually a win-win for those of you who arent used to asking for what you want because it forces you to be a tad bit dogged IRT about getting a final answer. Youve demonstrated to your boss (and hopefully to yourself) that you deserve a fully thought-out response . After one or more encounters like this with you, your boss will recognize that youre nice, but youre not a pushover. And she hasnt strung you out on some dubiously defined future timeline after shes thought about it like she did in response B.By the way, if you are truly afraid of getting a response like that in answer A, you obviously work in the television industry or in politics (And yes, Im straight up throwing shade at these industries because Ive worked in them and know what Im talking about). But for the rest of the working world, its a response so far removed from reality that you need to just get over yourself, open your mouth, and ask for what you wantCheryl Grace is the sassy aunt, best friend, and mentor youve always needed in your life. The successful jet-setting, global corporate executive founded the aspirational lifestyle brand Powerful Penny LLC. Her products, workshops and speeches probe, inspire and empower to ensure those who really want to can get to their nex t level of best. Her blogs on careers, prosperity, relationships, family, looking and living fabulously, and living a five-star life can be found

Thursday, November 21, 2019

7 Things You Should Never Say In a Job Interview

7 Things You Should Never Say In a Job Interview7 Things You Should Never Say In a Job Interview7 Things You Should Never Say In a Job InterviewCourtesy of Alejandro Escamilla from unsplash.comGetting an interview call is an achievement in itself. However, fruchtwein people get nervous thinking what they would say in and after the interview. They prepare rigorously researching about the company, preparing answers for all possible questions that might be asked and even prepare few questions that they would ask to the HR-manager.There are certain things that shouldnt be said in a job interview even if you really want to. Focus on the skills and qualifications that make you a perfect fit for the job and steer clear from sharing your opinions on things irrelevant to the interviewer. HR isnt interested in your personal life. They have too many candidates to consider and too little time to hear about the less important stuff. What they are interested in knowing is why they should hire you. Now we are not discouraging you from asking questions or stopping you from communicating openly with the interviewer. In fact, it is very important to ask questions, but the questions you ask and the things with which you respond should be right.What are these irrelevant things or the less important stuff? To help you out, give a miss to the following questions / phrases to maximize your chances of landing a job1. Sorry, I am late.Whats the first rule of any job interview? It is to be on time no matter what. Leave from home a little too early if you have to but make sure you reach the distributions-mix on time. Nothing ruins your chances more than wasting your HR-managers time or making them wait.2. What do you do around here?Do your research thoroughly on the company. Read carefully the job roles and responsibilities of the job you have applied for. Do your homework before appearing for the interview by studying carefully about what the company is into. These days everything you n eed is available on the internet. So, this should not be a problem. Never walk into an interview unprepared. If you go unprepared and dont know what the company does the HR will sense it in no time. Ultimately, you are giving them a message that maybe you are not excited or interested in the job.3. Can I take this call?Switch off your phone or put it on silent and leave it in your bag, car or at home if you have to. Answering a phone call or responding to a text message during an interview is rude and gives an impression that getting hired isnt your top most priority.4. How much will you pay me?Salary discussions should be reserved for the last. In most cases, interviews are conducted by someone from the department for which you have applied for who is there to judge your skills and answer your questions related to the job role in question. Salary discussions are left for the HR people to take up which either happen in a separate interview or after you are shortlisted for the job ro le. Bringing up the topic of salary early gives out the message that you are only there for the money and not for the kind of work involved in the job.5. My current boss / company is awful.Not everybody likes their bosses or company but that doesnt mean you bring up personal differences in an interview. It is likely that you may be asked about your reason for looking for a job change. Dont take it as your clue to badmouth a boss or an employer. It only makes you look unprofessional. Whenever you talk about the current employer keep your tone neutral or positive. Focus on all the good things you learned at the job rather than saying negative things. The best answer you can give when asked about your reasons for the job change is to simply say that you are looking for a more challenging role.6. Whats the vacation policy?Put yourself in employers shoes. Would you like it if a candidate asked you how soon s/he could take a vacation even before getting hired for the job? The company is h iring because they have a need. Your role as a candidate is to prove why you are the right person to do the job. The moment you ask such a question, it gives an impression that you are more focused on whats in it for you? Just like the salary discussion, save the perks talk for later.7. I dont have any questions for you.When an interviewer asks you if you have any questions for him / her, always respond with a question. Nothing puts him off more than a candidate who has no questions to ask about the company or the job. While doing your research on the company, prepare some questions that you can ask if you really find it difficult to ask questions. If that doesnt help, stick to basic questions like What do you like most about the company? or How your experience has been working with the company?Megha Raizada A professional resume writer working with the premium job portal Naukrigulf. She has a keen interest in the global job market, but also loves to keep a track of everything inter esting happening around the globe.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

7 Reasons No One Respect You at Work - The Muse

7 Reasons No One Respect You at Work - The Muse 7 Reasons No One Respect You at Work So, you’re coming into the office every day and killing it. You’re not only accomplishing an insane amount of projects, but you’re doing them all well. And, to top it all off, you leave at 6 PM every day at inbox zero. You don’t want to say you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to the company, but you also don’t want to lie. There’s just one thing: No one seems to respect you- not your co-workers, not your boss, and not even the intern whose sole responsibility seems to be sucking up to his superiors. And this is weird because, well, see above. While your first reaction might be that you’re stuck working among a bunch of unfortunate ingrates, your second might be that maybe, possibly it’s you. That’s never a great feeling. However, the good news is that if it is indeed you, you’re probably just committing a teeny, tiny, easily fixable workplace faux pas. With just a few adjustments, you can be back on track to being the most successful and the most respected person in the office. 1. You’re Always Late to Meetings Your ideas might be brilliant, even game-changing, but that doesn’t matter if you can’t make it to that brainstorming meeting on time. Because now, rather than being able to focus on your revolutionary concepts, your colleagues are instead stuck being angry at you for sending yet another “Sry, running late” email. Quick Fix Give yourself buffer time in your schedule in between commitments so that when meetings, calls, or projects run over their allotted time, it doesn’t affect anyone but you. (Also, read this.) 2. You’re Always on Your Phone Yes, yes, it’s hard to put your phone down. There are emails to respond to, clients to follow up with, and witty emoji combinations to text to friends (a ghost followed by a hot dog!). But every time you look at that screen instead of looking at the person speaking, you’re telling him or her that you have more important things to be doing. Quick Fix Stop bringing your phone to meetings. Seriously, just leave it at your desk. And when possible, ditch the laptop too and just bring a notebook. Nothing says, “I’m listening” quite like taking handwritten notes. 3. You’re Always Swearing Look, I get it. There’s something somewhat exhilarating about letting a four-letter word fly when you’re frustrated in the office. But, if you’re consistently using these words to express yourself, the only thing the other person hears is, “I’m a rebellious 12-year-old stuck in the body of a grown adult.” Quick Fix Make an effort to cut swear words out altogether. Yes, even after a long night of drinks. Force yourself to find alternative ways to show anger and excitement- and if that feels impossible, take Muse writer Aja Frost’s tips on how to cut words out of your vocabulary. 4. You’re Always Wearing Something Better Suited for a Frat Party It doesn’t matter how casual your workplace may be, if you roll in at 9 AM looking like you got lost on your way to the dining hall the morning after a theme party, you’re going to get judged. Quick Fix If you’re not sure if you’re crossing the line between laidback and “luau on the quad,” check out what your co-workers are wearing. Copy them (in style, not exact outfit). Let someone else be the guy who rocks sweatpants. 5. You’re Always Sending Incomplete Emails While you’re fantastic at communicating updates and the like, you’re often working so quickly that your emails end up being half-complete and typo-filled. So, rather than the receiver thinking, “Awesome follow-up,” he or she’s stuck trying to interpret your message and responding back, “I think you forget to attach the file? Lol.” Quick Fix Rather than rushing your work and attempting to get as many messages out, as soon as possible, take a moment to proofread your emails. Then, take another moment. There’s rarely anything so urgent that it can’t wait one minute. 6. You’re Always Away From Your Desk So, turns out you don’t love sitting at your desk. You’d rather curl up on the couches, or grab a conference room, or start your mornings at home. That’s OK. However, if every single time a colleague passes your desk, you’re MIA, it doesn’t look too great for you- even if you’re off somewhere doing amazing work. Quick Fix You don’t have to chain yourself to your chair, but you should definitely make sure you’re responding to emails and chat messages and staying in communication as much as possible. People are less likely to assume you’re at a leisurely three-hour lunch if you’re responding quickly. 7. You’re Always Telling Borderline NSFW Stories Your social life’s the most fun. Also the most ridiculous. So, it’s only natural you want to share your stories with the people you spend 40 hours working alongside. The only thing is that they’re a little inappropriate (I know, your date made that vulgar joke, not you!), and more problematically, a lot unrelated to work. If the majority of words that come out of your mouth are about your wild ’n’ crazy life, your co-workers will assume you have a wild ’n’ crazy life moreso than they’ll assume you’re stellar at putting together an interesting statistic-filled presentation. Quick Fix Make an active effort to discuss work (get ready for a novel idea) at work- be it about an upcoming project or industry news. You’re a well-rounded person, and you should show it. (And fine, if someone else brings up a PG-13 topic, you’re allowed to chime in.) You’re good at your job, you care about your career, and you deserve to get a little respect around the office. Maybe even a lot. So if you find that’s not the case, you owe it to yourself to figure out why and then fix it. Did I miss anything? Tweet me and let me know. Photo of sleeping co-worker courtesy of Shutterstock.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Starting a New HR Department From Scratch

Starting a New HR Department From Scratch Starting a New HR Department From Scratch Are you new to Human Resources? Every one of us started somewhere. Differences in employment exist and the appropriate path depends on whether you’re starting an HR department from scratch or joining an existing department as an HR employee of one. Differences exist, too, when you join a department that has additional HR staff members or if you’re the only HR employee on staff. Each situation brings its special challenges. Each new HR professional will need to evaluate their coworkers’ and organization’s needs and identify the most efficient way to deploy their knowledge and experience to serve their organization’s goals. This is the approach you would take if you are starting an HR department from scratch whether you are new to the profession or experienced. The learning curve for the latter will be less steep but still challenging. Starting an HR Department From Scratch Here is the path you need to follow to succeed in your quest to build a new HR department. On the day you start your new job, meet with your manager to receive their guidance on the priorities of the organization for their new department. They will likely also have their own expectations for your position. If you’re lucky, your new organization may have a written job specification or job description to guide your steps. But, in organizations that have no HR department, this onboarding has generally been left to individual managers, payroll, and accounting. If thats the case, you will have to create your own onboarding process. Come up with a three to six-month plan with your new boss as a starting basis.   As a new HR employee, it is necessary for you to quickly learn about and understand any processes and systems in place in the company that affect HR. The first systems to understand are how employees are paid and access benefits. Employees will soon come to you with their questions and youll need to be ready. Talk to the accounting department to learn about payroll in the organization. Youll also be involved in discussions with finance about employee compensation. This is an easier step if your HR position reports to the Finance and Accounting executive, where many HR jobs do report to start. They will be dedicated to your success for the department’s sake.   Learn the Priorities and Concerns of Other Departments Meet with the other executive staff members to understand the organizational priorities of the whole senior team. This is easier for some organizations than others. While you have marching orders from your immediate manager, you need to know the priorities and concerns of the other departments. HR is onboard to serve them all. If you have transferred to this HR position from somewhere else in the same organization, you will already know these people. If you’re new, even if experienced, this is a significant step in understanding the organization’s needs and priorities. Meet with a cross-section of the managers and employees who the executives recommend you interview. These employees can teach you a lot- quickly- about the organization you’ve joined. Never assume that the executives’ viewpoints are on target. They view the world through a different lens than regular employees. Meanwhile, you will find that other employees have found you. They want to spend time with you out of curiosity or with questions. When a new HR department forms, pent-up demand and the need for HR can overwhelm the new HR employee. Employees are looking for someone whom they can talk to, confide in, and tell all of the organizations secrets, stories, and problems. Listen with care and you will learn about your new organization’s problems and needs. Use the time to get to know your new coworkers and their views to deepen your knowledge and ability to contribute. Put Together an HR Plan and Build Alliances Put together an HR plan. Share your HR plan with your boss to make sure this individual supports the goals and plans you are developing. They need to agree with and support the plan for you to have any hope of succeeding. Good alliance building and succeeding in positive office politics makes the involvement of your boss in each step of your plans and implementation prudent. Don’t be unrealistic in the goals you pursue in your first 90 to 120 days in your new HR department. Start early to help your manager understand when you believe you can achieve a particular step. Tradeoffs exist no matter the order of your priorities. You can’t do everything at once, though it may feel as if that is the expectation. It is better to have several early achievements than to start a number of initiatives and complete none. You still have a job to do. You will spend time accomplishing the organization’s first goals and deliverables. You will see employees. You will pursue your individual onboarding plan. You will interact with the senior leaders and managers who will provide input to the goals and needs of the HR department. This roadmap should help you get started to form the basis of an HR department from scratch. You can use it to chart your course as you spend your first 90 to 120 days in your organization. Be kind to yourself and treat yourself gently and uncritically. It takes time and commitment to build an HR department from the ground up. You will succeed.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Three states move to block agreements concealing harassment at work

Three states move to block agreements concealing harassment at work Three states move to block agreements concealing harassment at work In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, legislators in New York, New Jersey, and California are working to stop the secret settlements that allegedly allowed the Oscar-winning Hollywood producer’s sexual harassment of women to go unchecked for decades. The New York Times revealed how Weinstein reached at least eight settlements with women after they confronted him about his unwanted sexual advances. As part of these payouts, the Times said that women had to sign confidentiality clauses that prevented them from speaking out about their experiences.Zelda Perkins,  Weinstein’s former assistant at Miramax, purposely broke the nondisclosure agreement she reached with Weinstein to argue against this legal process.“Unless somebody does this there won’t be a debate about how egregious these agreements are and the amount of duress that victims are put under,” she told the Financial Times about why she was breaking her NDA by talking publicly about it. “My entire world fell in because I thought the law was there to protect those who abided by it. I discovered that it had nothing to do with right and wrong and everything to do with money and power.”New bills aim to stop Harvey Weinstein settlements from happening againBinding confidentiality agreements are used across industries as hush money to keep sexual harassment claims secret. Fox News host Bill O’ Reilly reportedly paid $32 million in one of the series of  settlements he made with women who worked with him and accused him of sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior.  In a month of multiple famous men being accused of predatory behavior, legislators are taking notice of the settlements employers of these accused men use to hush up these scandals.New York State Senator Brad Hoylman, D-Manhattan, and  Assemblywoman  Nily Rozic sponsored a recent New York bill, which would ban settlements over claims of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. If the bill passes, workplace harassment settle ment agreements would be deemed “unconscionable, void and unenforceable.Ӊ€œAs we’ve seen in the Weinstein matter, these types of settlement agreements perpetuate harassment of other people for decades,” state Sen. Hoylman told BuzzFeed News. “Employees who are in a position of very little agency, power, are being forced, it would appear, to sign away their rights.”That’s the line of thinking New Jersey legislators also used in their own proposed ban on secret settlements. “Corporate boards of directors keep on approving settlements to cover executives who then go on to commit the same offense,”  New Jersey Senate Majority Leader  Loretta Weinberg,  D-Bergen, said.The belief is that by forcing these embarrassing settlements to go public, predatory behavior can be exposed and cycles of abuse can be broken. It was the public outcry after Weinstein’s behavior was investigated by journalists that finally forced Weinstein to be fired from his own company.California la wmaker  Connie Leyva  told Variety that she was directly inspired by the Weinstein scandal to introduce legislation in her state to end secret sexual harassment settlements in early 2018.  Ã¢€œWe really need to remove the curtain of secrecy about what’s happening,” Levya said. “Ultimately that’s what hurts victims and enables perpetrators to continue to do this and remain hidden.”

Sunday, November 17, 2019

What to Do After Being Let Go From Your First Job - The Muse

What to Do After Being Let Go From Your First Job - The Muse What to Do After Being Let Go From Your First Job Getting canned feels like crap. And it can be especially hard to take when it’s your first gig. You had so much excitement and anticipation for this job, after all. Before you get too inside your head about the whole thing, stop. This one incident doesn’t define you. This is just the start of your career, which I guarantee will have many more bumps and turns along the way. So know that you will be OK! In fact, you could look at being let go not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity to recalibrate. Come on, I’ll walk you through it. 1. Own It Without Shame Because you were an entry-level employee, it’s highly unlikely that your specific role had anything to do with whatever crisis led to layoffs (or worst-case scenario, the demise of the company). This benefits you immensely. Most people (read: prospective employers) will see your departure as a “wrong place, wrong time” kind of situation. Of course, it’s a bit trickier if you were let go due to a bad match, personality clash, or poor work performance. But even so, it’s unlikely you will be branded as a bad employee. Think of it like the dating world: Sometimes your first go at it just isn’t a good fit. And getting fired can feel a lot like getting dumped. Even if you weren’t happy in the relationship, rejection always hurts. It’s natural to feel ashamed or embarrassed, but understand that no one is keeping score but you. Sure, if you want to hide in your apartment eating cookie dough with a spoon for a few days, that’s perfectly acceptable. Just don’t let yourself wallow for long- you have a lot to do. 2. Take Care of the Practical Stuff If you were let go because of a group layoff or company restructure, you may be offered severance. You’ll get a packet of documents from your former employer that spells out the pay and benefits you’ll receive upon your exit. Unfortunately, severance is never a guarantee and depends upon the circumstances and your company’s policy. If you were fired for cause- in other words, you were fired for something you did or failed to do on the job, you likely will not get severance. Because you were probably at the bottom of the totem pole, your severance “package” may be puny compared to Bob’s in accounting who’s been there since 1995. Bigger companies may give two weeks salary for every year worked, for example. You can also ask your HR representative about if and how you can get paid for unused, accrued vacation pay or other benefits owed to you. (It’s their job to answer these questions, so don’t be afraid to ask. It’s your money!) But even if you get nothing from your employer, there are plenty of other things you can do to give yourself some stability. For starters, you can apply for unemployment benefits with your state’s Department of Labor. This will provide you a weekly “salary” for a set period of time, or until you find work again. If you aren’t on your parent’s health insurance (pro tip: You can stay on until age 26), you can apply for COBRA, which may allow you to keep your company’s insurance plan for up to 18 months. Be aware, though, that if your employer had been subsidizing your premiums, the cost to you could go way up. 3. Hone Your Exit Story Everyone from your friends from college to your Aunt Josephine is going to ask what happened. You need a simple explanation that you won’t fumble over and will set you up to network your way to your next gig. (More on that below!) Start with something like this: If you were let go as part of a reorganization or company layoffs: “I was part of a larger downsizing in the company. While it’s unfortunate, I’m really looking forward to doing X next.” If you were fired: “It wasn’t a good fit; however, I’m excited to be pursuing a new path in X.” You don’t have to go much deeper than that. You want folks to remember your next steps so they can help you get there, not get lost in the weeds of your story (save that for your best friend or pet). You will also use this story in future interviews, so best to start practicing it now. And no matter how heated you are, don’t trash talk your former employer. The world is small, my friend, and no one wants to hire a tattletale. 4. Update Your Social and LinkedIn Profiles This step should come after you’ve figured out the correct messaging of your story, but don’t wait too long. Within a week of leaving your role, post a status to your network explaining that you’ve left your job and are moving on to something new- and share what you want that something new to be. (Don’t stress about locking yourself into a specific role. It can always change later, and you may find that people connect you with opportunities that are closely related to what you’ve shared.) This might look something like: Life update: I’m no longer working for [Company] and am looking for [type of position] roles in [industry]. [A little bit about your background, expertise, or skill set.] If you hear of anything please let me know. Stay tuned for more updates! You may be tempted not to share your newly unemployed status with the world, but remember that most job leads come through friends and other personal connections. And where are your friends and personal connections? Yup. They’re on social media- and they probably want to help you out! Being assertive may be intimidating, but it’s also a savvy networking move (and it worked for this person!). While you’re at it, take this opportunity to update your LinkedIn, too. Flesh out your job description with all the skills you gained and accomplishments you achieved in your time at your previous company, and add your end date. Keeping your profile fresh ensures recruiters find it super easily- and like what they see. 5. And Then Tackle Your Resume Don’t worry too much about the fact that you were only at your first job for a few months or that there will be a gap in your work history until you find a new gig. You can always explain in an interview what happened. Rather, focus on getting your resume in fighting shape so it’s ready if someone in your network asks for it or a job opens up that you’d love to apply for. Chances are you learned a lot in the job you just left- make sure you articulate what skills you developed, software you mastered, and projects you worked on in your resume bullets. You should also optimize your resume for your job search. Read job postings for positions you’re interested in and take note of the terms and phrases they use to describe what they’re looking for. Then, plug those keywords (the ones that apply to you, of course!) into your own resume- and LinkedIn profile, too. 6. Do Some Reflecting It may not seem like it now, but being let go is often a gift from the universe. If you weren’t happy in your last role, it gives you that kick in the pants to make a change that was likely overdue. If you were happy, it encourages you to build on what you started; you may even be able to jump to the next level or increase your salary with this next job. Regardless, this is a great time to do some introspection. When the dust settles and you’re feeling a little less defeated, ask yourself the following: What did you love about that first job? What did you hate? What kind of job did you envision yourself in when you first started job hunting? Is that still an option? What paths could you try next? You have many more years of your career ahead of you. A few months figuring out your path is just a blip in the whole picture. So take a deep breath and put your toe back in the water.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Dumb Things Managers Do and Common Sense Solutions

Dumb Things Managers Do and Common Sense Solutions Dumb Things Managers Do and Common Sense Solutions Want to know five dumb things that managers do that could be avoided with the use of a little common sense? Earlier, ten mistakes managers make managing people were reviewed. These behaviors and approaches have common sense solutions, too. Here are five dumb things managers do and the recommended actions they need to take instead. Take Credit for the Project or an Employees Idea or Plan Smart managers learn quickly that one of the most significant forms of employee acknowledgment and recognition occurs when a manager gives credit- publicly- where credit is due. On the flip side, managers who consciously or unconsciously take credit for an employee’s idea, completed project or contribution, are universally despised. And the reality is, the credit-grabbing manager is fooling nobody. The manager’s job, by definition, is to get things done through people. No one expects that all the brilliance is the managers. In fact, managers who can bring out the brilliance in others are cherished. Managers look like good managers when their reporting staff succeeds. In a worst-case scenario, employees will begin withholding ideas, wait until witnesses are present to share potential solutions and make sure that they address the idea with the managers boss, just to ensure that they receive credit. Your bosss reaction? He wonders why your employees wont talk with you. Make Rules to Control the Actions of a Few Employees That You Must Extend to the Many You will always have problem employees and smart managers address the problems directly with the problem employee. Unthinking managers make up new policies and make everyone accountable for adhering to the new policies- whether their performance was problematic- or not. A corollary to making new rules to govern the behavior of a few people occurs, for example, when a manager addresses a problem or issue with his or her whole team when a limited number of team-mates were performing inadequately. By dressing down the whole group, the manager alienates the positive, productive employees who wonder what the problem is and resent being yelled at.And, the employees who have the problem hide out in the crowd, fail to take the criticism to heart and rarely reform their behavior. For example, in a high school, the principal became increasingly upset with a few teachers who persistently arrived late to work and were unprepared to teach their first session. Or worse, they were not there in time to supervise their students. He began by yelling about attendance at every staff meeting. When his yelling created no improvement, he yelled louder and threatened the entire teaching staff with suspension. Then, he created a sign-in list in the main office and required teachers to sign in and out daily so he could monitor them. It caused, on a daily basis, teachers who formerly entered the building by the door convenient to their classroom, to make two unnecessary treks to the office each day. Several had to make childcare time changes- yes, it was a long walk to the office- and all felt as if they were not trusted. The sign-in list was a true morale buster the entire school year, and the behavior of the miscreants never changed. Keep the Wrong Peoplefor Too Long Managers know fairly quickly that a new employee may not be a good fit for the organization’s needs. But, managers hesitate to address the problem quickly and decisively. They dislike conflict, delude themselves into believing the employee will improve with training, or dread the recruitment and resultant time investment in finding a replacement. They also hate to look like they made a bad choice. No one likes to be wrong. But, wrong becomes right when a manager quickly addresses a bad employment decision or match. In a recent email, a manager told this sorry tale. He hired an employee who had repeatedly demonstrated an unwillingness to abide by the company safety rules. Within the first 60 days of employment, the employee had received two written warnings. On the day he wrote, the employee disobeyed another safety rule and broke his ankle. The organization had decided to fire this employee, but they let the situation go on too long. Now they have a mess, a worker’s comp claim, an injured employee, a safety recordable accident, consultation with a lawyer, and all the immeasurable time and attention that addressing the situation will require. Make Promises That You Cantor WontKeep or Promises That Have Conditions Attached That You Dont Share Employees take managers at their word, and they are willing to listen and give credence to a managers promises one time. If they’re burned, they won’t trust the manager, and he will have difficulty overcoming the lack of trust in the future. Six words are important in a manager’s vocabulary. They are, “I don’t know; I’ll find out,” when a manager is faced with any questions or situations about which he or she can’t predict the outcome. In a colleague’s company, for example, a manager promised employees that they would receive comp time for working every weekend for six months. The manager refused to honor the promise because the project failed. At best, the manager wont have any employees who are willing to work overtime now or in the future. Morale and motivation are shattered. And, at worst, the manager will lose the entire team. In this instance, all but two members eventually quit. Fail to Trust Employees Until an Employee Proves Himself Untrustworthy Similar to dealing with offenders directly before subjecting all employees to rules, managers need to make trusting employees their norm, not blindly but believe that the majority of employees are trustworthy. Then address untrustworthy behavior directly with the employee who is untrustworthy. When managers treat employees as if they are not worthy of ?trust, they will regard their manager with distrust in return. During an economic downturn, a colleague’s company announced that all exempt employees would be expected to work 7.5 extra hours per week without an increase in pay. The VP decided to check employee attendance by walking around to see if employees were working the extra hours. He even started spot-checking to see how long employees spent at lunch and breaks. Why was this stupid? Before the added requirement, almost everyone in the department had already been working 50-60 hour weeks, rather than the 35 expected hours. The manager’s actions inspired many employees to cut back on their hours to work just the hours expected. Plus, when he checked and found people in the cafeteria for 30 minutes instead of 15 minutes for what he thought was a break, he took punitive action. He forgot to check whether the employees were actually in a meeting about work or on break. Distrust and micro-management breed distrust. Managers have a tough job because they deal every day with people. But, they dont have to make their jobs even more difficult. Addressing management and employee interaction with common sense goes a long way toward developing an employee-friendly workplace. Positive employee morale, motivation, and engagement result when managers do the right things right with people. More About Managers Managing Management Skill Job Interview QuestionsYou Can Make Their Day: 10 Tips About Motivation

Thursday, November 14, 2019

10 Resume Experts We Love

10 Resume Experts We Love 10 Resume Experts We Love Welcome to Top 10, Recruiter.coms weekly rundown of the best  of the best in recruiting! Every Friday, we release a list of some of our favorite people, things, and ideas dominating the industry. From awesome tech tools and cool companies to great books and powerful trends, no stone in the recruiting space will be left unturned. This Week:  Top 10 Resume Experts Everyone needs a resume. And when something is so common,youd think it would be simple â€" but as we all know, thats not the case. Theres a reason there are so darn many professional resume writers out there: Because writing a resume isnt just way to get a job â€"  its basically a job in itself. For todays edition of Top 10, weve compiled a list of some of our favorite resume experts. Even if youre not in the market for someone to write your resume for you, youd do well to pay attention to the insights these writers often share on their sites and at various publications across the Web. Theres always room for improvement â€" especially when it comes to one of the most critical documents of your career. 1. Wendi Weiner A former college writing professor, Weiner is also a Nationally Certified Resume Writer (NCRW) â€" one of only 49 people to hold that distinction at press time. Whats more, Weiner is also an attorney. Thats a rare combination â€" attorney and resume writer â€" but its a combination that allows Weiner to better understand what makes a great resume. Attorneys are trained to think in a very different way, Weiner says. That logic and the ability to grasp the best selling point of a client â€" much like making a winning legal argument to a judge â€" transcends into stronger writing skills. Learn more. 2. Angela Copeland Angelas site, Copeland Coaching, is chock full of insights into not only resume writing, but also the job search and career success. She also produces an excellent podcast where she engages in enlightening conversations with a variety of industry experts. (Full-disclosure: Recruiter.coms managing editor, Matthew Kosinski, once appeared on the podcast.) Angela also has a relatively unorthodox approach to writing resumes for job seekers: She doesnt just produce a resume for you â€" she coaches you through it. This is a different philosophy [from the one] many resume writers use, Copeland says. Typically, a job seeker takes a more hands-off approach and the writer does the work for them. I prefer to do the work with the job seeker. This helps to ensure that their resume is completely accurate and that they are comfortable with it. Learn more. 3. Brette Rowley Rowley is a career coach to millennials, but that doesnt mean her expertise is only relevant to Gen. Y. Regardless of how old you are or what stage your career is at, Rowley has plenty of useful resume and job search insights available for you on her site. According to Rowley, her biggest strength as a resume expert is her background in marketing â€" and we agree. To wit: My marketing background lends itself to helping job seekers actually stand out from their peers, rather than following industry standards. Rowley approaches resumes as conversation starters. To her, your resume isnt just a description of your work experience â€" its a full-fledged marketing campaign that should leave employers wanting more the way any good advertising effort should. Learn more. 4. Dana Leavy-Detrick When you need help making your resume look great from a design perspective, look no further than Leavy-Detricks Brooklyn Resume Studio. Leavy-Detrick puts her prior experience in the design industry to great use, as evidenced by her portfolio of previous work. Working with folks in advertising, marketing, and design for 10+ years has shown me the importance of strong visual and content branding and the ability to tell a compelling story about why your product/service (in this case, your skill sets and experience) bring unique value to a customer (employer), Leavy-Detrick says. Even if you dont work in a creative field, it never hurts to hand an employer a visually exciting resume. Learn more. 5. Angela Lussier Angela Lussier is the leader of the Anti-Resume Revolution (she also authored a book by the same name). And what, exactly, is the Anti-Resume Revolution? Its ditching the by-the-numbers resumes of the old days and crafting a personal brand that will lead you to a more authentic life. If youre tired of being boiled down to a few bullet points on a piece of paper, Lussiers revolution is just what youve been waiting for. Learn more. (A big shout-out to Becky Blanton, author of The Homeless Entrepreneur, who reached out to make sure Lussier was on our radar. Were glad she did.) 6. Erin Kennedy Need help with your executive resume? Then Kennedy is the expert for you. She might just be the best in the biz when it comes to crafting executive-level resumes. Dont believe me? You should know that Kennedy has the industry recognition to back it up: Shes been nominated multiple times for Toast of the Resume Industry (T.O.R.I.) awards, shes won the Best Executive Resume award, and her company has the distinction of being the first to ever receive seven nominations in one year. Who can compete with that? Learn more. 7. Donna Svei If you hire a resume writer, you run the risk of ending up with a mass-produced document â€" something that was very clearly churned out by a professional and lacks your unique voice. This is a problem Svei is acutely aware of. While I believe credentialed writers produce a better resume than most people can write for themselves, they also write resumes that recruiters can easily spot as coming from a mill, Svei says. Couple her awareness of the pitfalls of (some) professional writers with her financial background as a CPA â€" which helps her make a concrete, bottom-line friendly case for a job seeker â€"  and you have a resume expert who knows that hard data and authenticity are not mutually exclusive. Learn more. 8. Olivia Jaras Speaking of financial backgrounds: Unlike many of the people featured on this list, Jaras is not a resume writer. She is, however, a compensation coach â€" and thats exactly why shes a resume expert. Ive seen too many career coaches and recruiters focus on formatting the resume to get an interview, but they dont take into account that â€" to a very large extent â€" your resume will also determine your salary, Jaras says. The best resumes walk a fine line between self-promotion and establishing a firm relation between your worth and the position description, because ultimately, whomever sets your salary will judge you and make assumptions [based] on the paper portrait of you. Its easy to forget that resumes dont only get you to an interview, that they have an impact on the companys perception of your worth as well. Thats why its important to follow the advice of someone like Jaras when youre crafting your resume. Learn more. 9. Joseph Terach Terach seems to be a fan favorite among our readers. He received more nominations than anyone else. Why? Because hes darn good at what he does. Heres Mark S. on why he nominated Terach for our list: He taught me how to write an effective resume by highlighting my professional achievements using specific, measurable bullet points that not only helped me land that cherished interview, but also provided talking points and direction to the conversation during the interview. This in turn gave me some sorely needed confidence (I had limited success interviewing theretofore), as I walked into each interview knowing I could clearly and succinctly highlight how I could add value to an organization. Learn more. 10. Emily Kapit Rounding out our list is Kapit, who believes that the key to career success is implementing a Consistency of Excellence approach to ones job search. What does that mean exactly? For Kapit, it means collaborat[ing] with each client on identifying [their] unique career values, accomplishments to date, and transferable skills before translating this info into powerful professional documents and job search strategies. Kapit doesnt see a resume as just a document; she sees it as a piece in a bigger puzzle, which is why she and her team at ReFresh Your Step dont stop at resumes. They also help clients with their LinkedIn profiles, job search strategies, mock interviews, career guidance, and more. When you need to go the comprehensive route, turn to Kapit. Learn more.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Learn About the Wide Appeal of HP 12c Calculator

Learn About the Wide Appeal of HP 12c Calculator Learn About the Wide Appeal of HP 12c Calculator The HP 12c is truly remarkable in its longevity as a standard computational device for financial professionals. In an era when electronics such as cell phones (mobile phones), personal computers and the like are rapidly evolving, todays hot, cutting edge device often becomes sorely outdated within a few years. It thus beggars belief not only that a calculator first sold in 1981 should remain in production well into the 21st century, more than 30 years after its introduction, but also that it would continue to be the gold standard for many professionals in the technical fields that represent its target market. Wide Appeal The HP 12c Programmable Financial Calculator has the distinction of leading all Hewlett-Packard products in the number of years produced and the number of units sold. Cumulative sales passed the 15 million unit mark in 2007. Moreover, the famed durability of the HP 12c means that an extraordinarily high percentage of these units remain in use, in some cases 30 or more years after they were first purchased. This calculator has pre-programmed into it many of the essential computational functions that people in these disparate fields need to use on an ongoing basis: Accountants and auditorsControllersCorporate treasurersRisk managersManagement scientistsProduct managersFinancial analystsSecurities analystsBankersLoan officersBank examinersCredit counselorsSecurities tradersFinancial advisorsFinancial plannersMoney managersInvestment bankersSecurities underwritersInsurance sales agentsInsurance underwritersInsurance appraisersInsurance claims adjustersInsurance claims examinersActuariesStatisticiansEconomists This is only a partial list of the fields for which the HP 12c is a valuable tool. Moreover, it performs these functions swiftly and efficiently. Additionally, the HP 12c can store custom programs developed by the user. While such applications are usually more easily written and performed on personal computers, the small size and high portability of the HP 12c offers offsetting benefits in this regard. Reverse Polish Notation Data entry and the running of computations follows Reverse Polish Notation (RPL), which essentially is a type of machine language or computer code. Despite the arcane sound of the operational convention, it actually is quite easy to learn from the user manual. The key to understanding the version of Reverse Polish Notation as employed by the HP 12c is getting used to entering an operator (such as add, subtract, multiply or divide) after the operand, rather than before. Additionally, after keying in the first operand in a new calculation, the user must press the ENTER key to indicate that a new calculation has begun and that the previous calculation is to be cleared from the display register. For example, the simple calculation 2 2 would be entered with this series of keystrokes: 2 ENTER 2 At this time the display would read 4. Leaving this result in the display register allows the user to perform additional computations on it. In fact, the use of Reverse Polish Notation makes the HP 12c ideal for performing complex calculations that would be expressed with the extensive use of parentheses. Durability, Energy Efficiency and Price The HP 12c is justly praised for its durability and shock resistance. These were key factors in the original design, and being able to survive long drops onto concrete surfaces was tested exhaustively before initial rollout. Additionally, the HP 12c was designed to be remarkably energy efficient, and actual performance far exceeds the official specifications. The original model was powered by 3 button-sized camera batteries, and the manual projected 6-12 months of normal usage (or 80-180 hours of the continuous program running), depending on whether one installed alkaline or more expensive silver oxide batteries. This reviewer is one of many who has reported that, despite regular daily usage, the calculator ran for over 10 years before needing its first change of batteries. The power source in the current generation of the calculator has changed to a single CR2032 lithium battery, but apparently, the same long battery life is being enjoyed by its owners. The list price fell from $150 at launch in 1981 (about $256 in 2012 dollars) to $69.99 in 2012. This reviewer bought one for $89 in November 1987 (roughly $178 in 2012 dollars). Exam Usage The HP 12c may be used by people taking these critical exams: Certified Financial Planner (CFP)Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)The Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) Financial Risk Manager (FRM) If for no other reason, obtaining and learning to use the HP 12c is highly advisable for this reason alone. Moreover, by permitted its usage, the professional organizations that administer these exams effectively are making a statement about the utility of this calculator for persons in these respective fields. This review is based on an HP 12c that the author purchased in 1987 and continues to use today.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Fraternization Policy Sample for the Workplace

Fraternization Policy Sample for the Workplace Fraternization Policy Sample for the Workplace The dating or fraternization policy adopted by an organization reflects the culture of the organization. Employee-oriented, forward-thinking workplaces recognize that one of the places that employees meet their eventual spouse or partner is at work.   These relationships make sense because of the commonalities that co-workers share such as proximity to work, the actual work, the amount of time one spends at work, and the interests underlying ones  career chose. Friendships and romances can also  affect the workplace positively adding to the sense of teamwork and camaraderie. But, relationships can also go awry and result in friction and conflict at work. It can affect the team, the department, and even the mood of the organization when stress permeates the air. Minimizing Impact The key to a fraternization policy is to minimize the impact of the things that can go wrong in the workplace while maximizing the powerfully positive aspects of employee relationships. You also want to identify the relationships that are forbidden because of their potential impact at work. As with any policy, you should develop the policy for the good of the working relationships in a whole group of employees. Dont put a policy in place to control the behavior of a few employees whose behavior is out of line. Its worth noting that the consequence of a too-restrictive policy is that fraternization policies that prohibit even friendships and associations outside of work cause employees to deceive and cover-up. They also encourage gossip, job dissatisfaction, and low morale. Contents of Fraternization Policies A fraternization policy needs to have the following components: It must prohibit romantic relationships between a manager and a reporting staff member.It should prohibit dating relationships between employees who are separated by two levels in the chain of command  regardless of the reporting relationship or department.It must define the romantic and friendship behavior that is acceptable and what is not acceptable.The policy must state the potential consequences of breaking the policy.It must provide courses of action that leave an employee with opportunities to understand and follow the policy. SampleDating or Fraternization Policy The following is a sample of a dating or fraternizing policy that you can use as is or alter to fit your needs: Company employees may date and develop friendships and relationships with other employees- both inside and outside of the workplace- as long as the relationships dont have a  negative impact on their work or the work of others.Any relationship that interferes with the company culture of teamwork, the harmonious work environment or the productivity of employees, will be addressed by applying the progressive discipline policy  up to and including employment termination.Adverse workplace behavior- or behavior that affects the workplace that arises because of personal relationships- will not be tolerated. Anyone employed in a managerial or supervisory role needs to heed the fact that personal relationships with employees who report them may be perceived as favoritism, misuse of authority, or potentially, sexual harassment.Additionally, for the same reason above no employee may date another employee who is separated by more than one level in the chain of command. This includes an employee who reports to their bosses counterpart in another department.Additionally, any fraternization with any employee who reports to the manager or whose terms and conditions of employment such as  pay raises, promotions, and advancement are potentially affected by the manager, is prohibited. The fraternization that is prohibited by this policy includes dating, romantic involvement, and sexual relations; close friendships are discouraged in any reporting relationship.Employees who disregard this policy will  receive disciplinary actions  up to and including  employment termination. Consequences of Dating and Extra-marital Affairs A manager or supervisor who dates or becomes romantically involved with an employee creates a serious problem for the company. Dating an employee, and extramarital affairs, even when the employee is not in a reporting relationship, creates serious consequences for the company. It can affect the careers of both employees with regard to advancement opportunities, choices of jobs, and assignments. Clearly, these relationships can result in charges of sexual harassment, years or decades after the fact. If a manager decides to pursue a close relationship with an employee, he or she needs to inform their manager and Human Resources immediately. The company will then decide what, if any, actions are necessary to take in regard to assignments and jobs. Employees have different definitions and understandings  of what constitutes a close relationship, a friendship, or romantic involvement. Consequently, if you have questions or need further clarification, talk with the head of the Human Resources department. Their goal of implementing policies consistently and fairly will help inform your choices.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Characteristics of Program Coordinator Resume

Characteristics of Program Coordinator Resume Have a peek at the transportation and distribution resume examples below to prevent any speed bumps on the way. You're going to want to take more care when crafting your resume to be certain you stick out from the rest. You will need to lead the way to be certain everyone knows the way to use the program. Even when you're on the watch for entry-level work, the Very fact you're asking for a specific project indicates your purpose is to acquire that occupation. A History of Program Coordinator Resume Refuted Along with eliminating spelling errors from your document, however, there are a number of other crucial mistakes you ought to take care to avoid. Armed with tips for each section in addition to overall guidelines about formatting, you will be in a position to craft a document which gets the interest of recruiters and hiring managers. Individual techniques shouldn't be separately coded or billed since it's a time-based code. A program coordinator may have a degree in several fields like human resource, mass communication and just a degree in business would provide help. A coordinator position is a job where the employee brings together all parts of a creation or project. The applicant might as well be a robot for all of the hiring manager could know. There are lots of jobs offered in the industry business, so begin putting your administrative coordinator resume together once possible! Sales teams need someone to take care of the organization in order that they can concentrate on closing sales. The resume goal is among the most critical paragraphs in a teacher's resumeif not the most significant. Multi-tasking skills are important so the coordinator can juggle tasks and receive all the work done. Such a job would call for strong organizational skills very similar to what skills that you'll need for the new position. For instance, if you're employed as a program coordinator for an educational non profit, you're want to understand how to implement new curriculum programs. You will be responsible for tracking billing payments along with monitoring program budget limitations. Study the preceding budget and also taking into account the advantages and losses occurred during the prior financial decades, as a result of budget planning. Administrator coordinators make, typically, 39,000 dollars each year. Program Coordinator Resume Secrets That No One Else Knows About Sometimes Resume objective can appear to be a small statement. however, it's an incredibly massive message to communicate. In an identical way that you could reference resume samples, the next Program Coordinator cover letter example will let you compose a cover letter which best highlights your experience and qualifications. In precisely the same way which you might reference resume samples, the subsequent Project Coordinator cover letter example will enable you to compose a cover letter that most highlights yo ur experience and qualifications. There are lots of professional resume writers and resume Services you may have to employ to help you. Developing a compelling resume is important to landing any work particularly in the fast food marketplace. Program coordinators work in a multitude of settings including healthcare, education, and company. What is Truly Going on with Program Coordinator Resume The main duty of a program coordinator is to make certain that the program is delivered properly. Jobs are opening daily, all you will need to do is place your administrative coordinator resume together and start your search! The part of a program coordinator differs in every firm. It is hard to understand and define as the program coordinator operates in various roles. Skills To devote a Coordinator Resume Objective Coordinators play a major part in a number of work environments. Find the best Event he resumesamples to help you improve your own resume. Locate the very best Training Coordinator resumesamples to assist you better your own resume. Locate the very best Scheduling Coordinator resumesamples to assist you better your own resume. Program Coordinator Resume Ideas A cover letter is intended to sell one's expertise and abilities to be able to land work position. Composing an endorsement letter is an excellent policy for practically any job seeker who's decided to have a work deal. It's compulsory if you're an entry candidate. Your sales coordinator resume header is where you begin to show hiring managers they came to the proper candidate. Make certain that your resume isn't at risk prior to applying for the community outreach specialist position you would like. If you're in the social worker field you understand that the disciplin e of social work isn't restricted to supplying mere financial support. The tasks of a program coordinator are also dependent on the culture and aims of the firm. There's an important quantity of administrative work involved with project coordination.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Fundamentals of Resume Summary Vs Objective You Will be Able to Benefit From Starting Immediately

The Fundamentals of Resume Summary Vs Objective You Will be Able to Benefit From Starting Immediately It's simple show them measurable and simple to understand proven outcomes. You always need to have an expert profile, as opposed to an objective within the resume. The purpose isn't the place to showcase yourself. The following suggestions will serve as guidelines for learning how to make a resume with the standard chronological resume format that will stick out in the application practice. Some folks call it an expert summary. It proves you focus on detail. Think high level abilities and the way you've used them. Showing these distinctive skills on your resume can help provide you with an edge over other qualified applicants. Doing that, you are just upping your odds to get the wanted position. It's a really personal decision and of course you don't need to use the exact tool each time you present your CV. Simply stated, it's what a candidate brings to the table with respect to proven expertise, skills and ability. As a guideline, you don't need to use each bit of the formula for your resume objective. In addition, there are books solely written to assist you write wonderful resumes. Don't list positions you had held over 10 years back unless they are associated with the new function. To begin with, you have to know there are two unique kinds of skills. There are quite a lot of places where you're able to acquire good resume examples. A strong summary statement at the peak of your resume can increase the probabilities of them noticing what you've got to offer from the beginning. It could have bullet points, optionally can include the kind of work you're looking for (in case if it is not obvious from your resume OR you would like to take different kind of challenges from your previous job). Think about your professional summary as ateaser for the remainder of your resume. By putting a great resume summary at the peak of the webpage, obviously! A profile is very helpful if you've got a work history that's unrelated to your present career goals it gives you the ability to highlight only your most relevant experience. During these difficult financial times, job search has come to be even harder. Both can cause you to get exceptional but only one can allow you to land work. When you're searching for work, they demand a resume to learn about your professional and educational experiences. Resume Summary Vs Objective: No Longer a Mystery Your resume's career objective should state that you're searching to join a stable business in a position that would give you the chance to expand your understanding and improve your skills. Let's say you would like to make an application for a construction-related job without experience. The aim of this statement is to highlight your most valuable abilities and experiences in a couple of sentences. The main aim of an expert summary is to produce your most important abilities and experie nces immediately noticeable to hiring managers. Make sure there are no spelling errors and typographical errors. One of the most common errors whenever that comes to writing or posting resumes is they ignore the end result of well-crafted maintains. Quit doing the exact same mistake repeatedly. There are lots of openings waiting for the proper candidates, and tons of prospective employees seeking openings pertinent to them. Up until lately, the great majority of resumes have contained an objective. In addition, it explains what sort of job the applicant is searching for (their objectives). You should tailor your resumes for various positions you are searching for. Yes, some people might tell you a work objective can be more than 1 sentence. An objective needs to be personally-tailored to the employer. Put simply, your purpose is to have a job. Your job objective still should be just a single sentence.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

How to Choose Cool Resume Templates

How to Choose Cool Resume Templates You're able to download as many resumes as you desire. So your resume must stick out! Separate resumes are offered for assorted disciplines. Imagine you have two resumes facing you. Cool Resume Templates Help! Resume creators enable jobseekers to make and download their finished resumes right from the web to get started applying immediately. Wiki claims A chronological resume format is most commonly employed by experienced people with over 4 decades of experience in related job field. The majority of the moment, applicants waste lots of time worrying what things to write in their resume, rather than how it must be written. It's possible to never underestimate the ability of a good resume format, especially if you are searching for employment. More frequently than not, customizing your resume does not signify a major rewrite, but instead just a couple of tweaks. Professionally, our resumes are often the very first impression a prospective employer gets of us. As soon as you add your private stamp' to it through imputing your exclusive abilities, professional experiences, and wording, it is going to stand from the crowd for all of the correct factors. You also receive a feeling of what information you don't need to include. Every individual's resume looks slightly different. There are lots of beautiful resume templates out there, but nevertheless, it can be simple to feel as a lot of the greatest cost a ridiculous quantity of money, require special design pro grams in order to edit, or both. There's no specific length for a resume, and there's no standard to it. Then it may be time to bring some style to your resume! The fashion of functional, chronological, and combination are three major kinds of the resume. DO guarantee the remainder of your resume is completely machine readable. With some vital info in the perfect order, everyone can create one. You may leave every one of them as is or customize just a little bit as a way to bring a personal touch to the presentation of your candidacy. On the reverse side, at times the decision is final. A perfect selection for candidates with a great deal of experience who desire to have a really good one-page resume template. Employing a template can lessen the quantity of time you must spend formatting your document, which makes it possible for you to concentrate on adding content and polishing your resume. Contents are well-organized and simple to skim. Utilizing the right resume format is vital in quickly draw in the interest of a possible employer. You could also see Modern Business Resume Templates One of the absolute most important things to keep in mind while writing a resume is that it's not an autobiography. Project Manager Blank Resume Templates do not will need to appear stylish but they have to appear professional. The Resume Template is among the simplest and convenient ways of creating highly professional, concise, and well-written resumes which can help you fetch excellent opportunities without difficulty. Credit Card Authorization Form Template is vital if you're a business user. The upcoming free resume template is made in the shape of a brochure. There's also a resume links page and a few resume tips on other pages to have you started. Most websites permit you to download the empty template and put in your information by means of a word application. There are several online resume maker tools which will sure help you to have a resume in pdf format only as long as you pay them.